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Public and Private Cloud Strategy

Public and Private Cloud Strategy in a Multi-Cloud World


Public and Private Cloud Strategy

Public cloud or private -- do you really need to choose? You've invested big in a new data center -- what's next? Do you plan to modernize your existing, mission-critical applications or create net-new cloud native apps? No matter your priorities, you need to embrace the right multi-cloud strategy and increase your development team's efficiency and effectiveness.

Watch this webinar with IBM Fellow, VP Private Cloud, Bala Rajaraman as he talks with Forrester analyst Dave Bartoletti. These experts will share ideas about innovating in a multi-cloud world and embracing a strategy that makes the most of both public and private cloud.

  • Bala Rajaraman
  • IBM Fellow
  • IBM Hybrid Cloud

Bala’s responsibilities include the strategy, architecture and design of next generation cloud platforms. His areas of interest include cloud computing, automation, networking and systems performance, holding over 25 patents in these areas.

Dave Bartoletti
VP, Principal Analyst Infrastructure & Operations
Dave specializes in helping technology leaders accelerate their companies’ digital transformation using the tools, services, and platforms available in the cloud.

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